Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pin Hole Cameras...We're Watching You

Many shoppers are unaware of how much they are being watched when they walk into a store. There are the standard cameras and black globes but did you ever think about hidden cameras. There are usually cameras spread out throughout the entire store. They are called pinhole cameras and they can be placed easily through ceiling tiles. 

Sometimes I like to roam around stores and check out new electronics. Because electronics are some of the most stolen items from a store, the security team usually watches this department like a hawk. It's happened more than once where I'll be hanging out in a department and a member of the loss prevention team will come out and pretend to be another shopper in my area. You can always tell these people because they happen to be looking very intently at nothing. It's especially funny when they are taking extreme interest in surge protectors or coaxial cable. 

I'm not suggesting that you learn about these so you can steal. I just find it interesting to be aware of what's going on around you. I'm always interested in some of the cool things that security teams experience. If you have any cool stories or information, please comment below.

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