Monday, June 18, 2012

The Best Cure For A Headache

Here's another totally random post. It was brought to my attention about 2 years ago that most headaches are simply caused by dehydration.  A co-worker at the time was serving in the army and he had served a couple tours in Iraq. He told me that the military's cure for feeling sick or having a headache was to stick yourself with an IV and pump yourself full of 2 liters or so of saline solution. Essentially it's water with all the good stuff your body needs. I've tested this out over the past 2 years since hearing about this and I've found it to be completely true.

I generally get headaches after I've been exercising and sweating for too long without drinking enough. When I start to feel a headache coming on I'll start to drink a lot of water and 75% of the time I'm able to avoid the headache all-together. If I take a couple pain pills and start drinking water I'm usually completely over what could have been bad before the first couple pills wear off. 

Why does water help cut down on headaches? Water is one of the bodies ways of filtering out toxins in your blood stream. If you don't have enough water your body gets overloaded with toxins and your body starts to react negatively. Drink water regularly and your body will definitely thank you. 

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