Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why Polish Your New Car

When you get a car from the factory you might assume that it is in the best condition it will ever be in. Why wouldn't it be, it's new right? It is true that everything is in great condition and the paint looks pretty great. It was just sprayed on and buffed at the factory. Why on earth would you want to polish your new car? In all honesty, most people shouldn't. If you desire perfection in your ride, however, you'll love the look of a freshly polished finish.

Polished vs. Unpolished PaintWhen a car is painted at the factory it is done so in very controlled conditions and then covered with a very durable clear coat. The car is then buffed at a fairly low speed which gives the car a good general shine. If you were to zoom in and look at that paint with a magnifying glass you would essentially see a bunch of jagged peaks and pits in the clear coat. When you wax the car you basically sand the top of those peaks to create a flat surface which reflects light and makes the car shinier. 

When you polish the car with an actual high speed polisher you have more power to remove the majority of the bumps and peaks all together. When you get closer to a perfectly flat surface you achieve a mirror like finish. That is the difference between a shiny new car and a car that you can use as a mirror. As I said above, most people would never buy a new car and think to go get it polished. It already looks good and has a great finish. Polishing a new car would only be if you want to have a car that turns heads. You'll notice people staring at your car for multiple reasons. It is so dang shiny and they also like seeing the reflection of their wheels in your door going down the highway at 70 miles/hour. 

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